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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Web designing - HTML Tutorial - 4

If we want to give a link on your web page, then you have to use the "<a>" tag. Here, you have to use the "href" attribute. A simple example is given below :

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Web designing - HTML Tutorial - 3

Sometimes it is important to add image while creating a page. To add picture the tag "<img>" is used. An example is given below :

Web designing - HTML Tutorial - 2

Now, let's see how to connect more than one pages or how to link pages. The tag used for this is :

Web designing - HTML Tutorial - 1

Those who are so much eager to learn web developing, HTML is a base language for them. If anybody knows the HTML, it will be much easier to them to learn other web developing languages. So, for making it easier to learn HTML, I've started to give a bit idea about this.

Personal Blogging

This is my personal blog named http://mahfuz07sustbd.blogspot.com/ I've started blogging now. This can be a test page or can be the first post.......Let's see........

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