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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Web designing - HTML Tutorial - 6

Formatting Text:
While typing in a word processor (i.e. Microsoft Office or Open Office), we can write our text with different formatting. In HTML, we can also do the same. Let's say something about the formatting.
  • Bold: "<b>" tag is used. "<b>" for start and "</b>" for end;
  • Strong: "<strong>" tag is used. "<strong>" for start and "</strong>" for end;
  • Italic: "<i>" tag is used. "<i>" for start and "</i>" for end;
  • Big: "<big>" tag is used. "<big>" for start and "</big>" for end;
  • Small: "<small>" tag is used. "<small>" for start and "</small>" for end;
  • Subscript: "<sub>" tag is used. "<sub>" for start and "</sub>" for end;
  • Superscript: "<sup>" tag is used. "<sup>" for start and "</sup>" for end; 
This tags can be used inside other tags like "<p>" or others. But the sequence must be maintained.

Some more Tags:
  • Abbreviation: "<abbr>" tag is used. "<abbr>" for start and "</abbr>" for end;
  • Acronym: "<acronym>" tag is used. "<acronym>" for start and "</acronym>" for end;
  • Block-quote: "<blockquote>" tag is used. "<blockquote>" for start and "</blockquote>" for end;
  • Citation: "<cite>" tag is used. "<cite>" for start and "</cite>" for end;

Play with Tables in HTML:

To draw table in HTML, <table> tag is used. To draw each row, <tr> tag is used, where tr stands for "table row". To draw column, <td> tag is used in each row, where td stands for "table data". In each table data cell, any kind of element can be inserted such that - text, links, images etc.

A table is divided into rows (with the <tr> tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag). td stands for "table data," and holds the content of a data cell. A <td> tag can contain text, links, images, lists, forms, other tables, etc.

Table header can be defined by <th> tag. th stands for "table header". "border" is an attribute of <table> tag.

Here is a sample example given below:

<table border="1">

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